Archive | March, 2015

The Kids Are Alright

31 Mar


In our preparations to move to Romania, my main stress and anxiety revolved around the kids. How were they going to adapt to the move? Would it hurt Finn to be away from school for six months? Could I homeschool without wanting to strangle my children? What will they eat? Will they be okay?

Sooooo, I may have been projecting.

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Storming the Castle

23 Mar

We’ve been in Romania for a month and a half and figured it’s probably about time we visited a castle. We told the kids last week that we’d be going and they spent all weekend looking forward to it. A classic Lucy quote: “Wow, I mean, I just can’t believe that all that stuff from fairy tales- princesses and castles- it’s all real!”  I didn’t want to crush her by telling her that this one was more of a fortress and although it had passed through the hands of many royal princes, it probably never housed princesses in the way that she imagined. Poor Lucy, she’d already had her hopes dashed on Friday night when we were walking home from the symphony and she looked up at the Wishing Star and whispered “I wish that I’ll be able to see a real unicorn someday!”

So we rented a typical tiny European car this morning and squished the kids in the backseat. Continue reading

60?! Man, that’s old!

4 Mar